Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Preparing for baby

     We have 2 weeks left to prepare for baby and I really feel like there is so much to do, but when I look at our list it's really not all that much. Tonight, I'm going to a cloth diapering class to Target to get a small dresser to sit by the baby bed for clothes and such. Then it's pretty much just tons of laundry. We have the regular laundry from the week and then we have bags upon bags of baby clothes, and then I have to go through all Tristan's baby clothes. Lucky for me, Steven and I went through and sorted them about a year ago just to get them organized into sizes.

     I really feel like I'm getting more and more calm by the day, at least during the daytime. I tend to be worn out and very uncomfortable by the end of the day. The only real stress I have regarding the baby is just making sure the house is clean, which currently it is not. For some reason unknown to me, the laundry I hate to do most is my own. I don't mind towels and sheets, I don't mind folding Steven and Tristan's, but my own laundry I hate to fold and put away. 

     Every morning we unload the dishwasher, gather the dishes from around the house that didn't make it into the wash the night before and get those in the dishwasher ready for the next wash. Then we eat our breakfast. Usually somewhere in there I start a load of laundry, and then we head outside for the morning while it's still cool. This will be the time when I sit on the back porch and do my homework. Hopefully the baby will be nice enough to let me get some of this done too. I'll be fine with snuggling the baby while I take care of my homework and things. I really think that having homework to do while I'm at home with the baby will keep me more entertained. With Tristan I remember longing for something to do, I was so bored being home but since I've been laid off we've adjusted quite nicely I think.

     But for now, off to run errands!

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